Rocks, cliffs, fossils

My project is to describe the rocks and fossils of the UK mountains and shoreline in a way that can be understood by the ordinary walker; but also to accompany technical description with a clear photo. Even better if the photograph is an attractive picture in its own right!

A roundup of my geology-themed books, book chapters, and a BBC podcast, is on this page.

Skiddaw Slates

glacier scratches, Loch Lomond


New Red Sandstone

limestone pavement

erratic granite

lake bed ripples in sandstone

ammonites, Chapman's Pool

Antrim basalt: laterite layer

fossil tree, Crail Harbour

schist, Southern Highlands

Old Man of Hoy

Hooken Landslip


Highland Line

Ynys-fach, Pembrokeshire

Great Slab, Bowfell

folded greywacke
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